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Freight agent in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2020-12-17Updated:2020-12-17
Similar words: freightageaffreightmentfreightfreighterair freightairfreightfreight carair-freightMeaning: n. an employee of a freight carrier who directs the receipt and delivery of goods. 
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1. Do you want go throught with our freight agent?
2. Air freight agent is one of the most important business in our company.
3. IATA companies with a class of passenger and freight agent qualification, in 2001 passed the ISO9001 international quality certification.
4. Would you like to use freight agent from our company?
5. Systematized freight agent serviceserviceinformation service , FITOS provide the most professional International Freight service.
6. Car freight agent road, rail, sea cargo transport planning, freight information, freight forwarders, freight consultation.
7. R. China. As a joint venture company, we have excellent relationship and very good business credit in the field of freight agent after it was founded.
8. Depending on the freight information platform, the freight information service industry and the freight agent industry can be managed in the information centre.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
9. Through practice, DM is turned out to be useful to the freight agent department which can benefit from it.
10. Contending for dealership is the main competition content of the Freight Agent Enterprises, and at the same time is the important component of the personnel work.
11. Let's suppose that a shiping clerk calls in from a company that sends a large number of shipments by air freight. the air freight agent assigns an air waybill number to the shipment.
12. Our company is the earliest won three outer agent and freight agent qualification of one of enterprises.
13. Besides , the Company has Beijing branch office of freight agent , Tianjin officefreight agent and Haikou Office.
14. In the times of. economic globalization and operational cost rising, the competition of the freight agent market grows fiercely, only these enterprises who can face the fierce competition can survive.
15. And agent customs brokerage, commodity inspection, storage, transit and so on many related business. The company has a strong air and sea freight agent network, and global times each airport, seaport.
16. This paper is based on the research experience of the key project of the Ministry of Communications- Intelligent Freight Agent System.
17. There is main effect in the development of the carrier that do not have a boat and freight agent in international trade and international shipping.
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